Technical support tips for Graph mole
1. In order to play Graph Mole, you need to have Macromedia Flash player installed. If you need to install Macromedia Flash, please get it from Macromedia's website.
2. If Macromedia Flash is installed and it still doesn't work, look for a message near the top of the page (just below the Address toolbar) that reads "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer has restricted this file from showing active content that could access your computer. Click here for options...".
- Click the message and a popup menu will appear.
- Pick "Allow Blocked Content" from the popup menu.
- When a dialog box appears saying "Allowing active content such as script and ActiveX controls can be useful, but active content might also harm your computer. Are you sure you want to let this file run active content?"
- Click the Yes button.
3. If still nothing happens, then your security settings may be set too high to run the Macromedia Flash control.
- Students: Please contact your parents or teacher and ask for help. The security settings are designed to protect you, so do not change them yourself, ask an adult for help.
- Teachers: Please consult with the person who is your system administrator and ask them to change the security settings so you can run Macromedia Flash Player.
- Parents: You may need to change the security settings on your personal machine to allow my script to run Macromedia Flash player.
The game works with Internet Explorer's default security settings (for more information, click on Internet Explorer's Help
menu and pick "Contents and Index" From the Contents window, click on "Understanding Security and Privacy on the Internet" and then click on "What you should know about running
scripts and ActiveX controls"). Once the default settings have been restored, restart Internet Explorer, go to the game, and follow the directions in 2. above to tell Internet Explorer it's ok to run Macromedia Flash player.
© 2006 Sulan Dun. All rights reserved. You may not modify this software in any way without the express permission of the author.
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