Advertising Info's mission is to provide the best educational games free to any child who can access the Internet. Each month, receives 27,000 users who are students and teachers looking for a fun and effective way to teach difficult Math and Science concepts. The games are all G-rated and fun, and we often receive fan mail from students saying the games worked for them when nothing else would. As an advertiser, this is a very empowering and positive experience for you to co-brand with.

Why Advertise on

User Statistics

Basically, it's mostly Algebra and Chemistry students (pre-teens and teens) and their teachers. Most site users are first time users and spend about 10 minutes playing an educational game because their teacher wants them to learn what the game teaches. Google Analytics tracking has been started - when I get at least a month's worth of user statistics, I will post them here. In the meantime, if you are a Google advertiser, you can see our site demographic statistics at Google.

Acceptable ad types

We're open to running family friendly ads in any format and can even embed an ad into the Flash games. For more information, please contact Sulan Dun at

Try some games yourself

Can you bonk the Graph Mole before he eats all your vegetables? Or learn to balance chemical equations?

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